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The infernet-ml library comes with two classes of workflows:

  1. Inference Workflows
  2. Fine-tuning Workflows (Coming Soon)

Inference Workflows

Inference workflows all subclass the BaseInferenceWorkflow class. Just like we did in our Quickstart section earlier, to run an inference workflow, you need to:

  1. Instantiate the workflow class
  2. Call the setup() method to prepare the workflow for running
  3. Call the inference() method to execute the workflow
  4. Call the stream() method to stream the output to the user (for streaming workflows)

Life-Cycle of an Inference Workflow

All workflows implement the following life-cycle methods:

do_setup(self) -> Any

This method is called by the setup method. It is used to prepare the workflow for running. This method is called only once during the life-cycle of the workflow. It is used to perform any setup operations that are required before the workflow can be run. For workflows that run the model themselves, this is where the model is downloaded, and any ahead-of-time verifications are performed.

do_preprocessing(self, input_data: Any) -> Any

This method is the first method called by the inference method. It is used to perform any preprocessing operations on the input data before it is passed to the model. The output of this method is passed to the do_inference method.

def do_run_model(self, preprocessed_data: Any) -> Any

This method is called by the inference method after the do_preprocessing method. This is where the model is run on the preprocessed data. The output of this method is passed to the do_postprocessing method.

do_postprocessing(self, input_data: Any, output_data: Any) -> Any

This method is called by the inference method after the do_run_model method. It is used to perform any postprocessing operations on the output data before it is returned to the user. The output of this method is returned to the user.

Life-Cycle of an Streaming Inference Workflow

Much like non-streaming workflows, streaming workflows implement the same life-cycle methods. However,all of the hooks are brought together & called by the stream() method.

do_setup(self) -> Any

Same as above, this method is called by the setup method. It is used to prepare the workflow for running.

do_preprocessing(self, input_data: Any) -> Any

This is the first method called by the stream method. It is used to perform any preprocessing operations on the input data before it is passed to the model. The output of this method is passed to the do_stream method.

do_stream(self, preprocessed_data: Any) -> Iterator[Any]

This method is called by the stream method after the do_preprocessing method. This is where the model is run on the preprocessed data. The output of this method is directly fed to the user.

Class Hierarchy

title: Inference Workflow Class Hierarchy
BaseInferenceWorkflow <|-- HFInferenceClientWorkflow
BaseInferenceWorkflow <|-- ONNXInferenceWorkflow
BaseInferenceWorkflow <|-- TorchInferenceWorkflow
BaseInferenceWorkflow <|-- TGIClientInferenceWorkflow
TTSInferenceWorkflow <|-- BarkHFInferenceWorkflow

class BaseInferenceWorkflow {

Available Inference Workflows

The following inference workflows are available in the infernet-ml library:

  1. HFInferenceClientWorkflow: This worflow uses the Huggingface Inference Client library to run all models that are hosted on Huggingface.
  2. ONNXInferenceWorkflow: This workflow is used to run models that are in the ONNX format.
  3. TorchInferenceWorkflow: This workflow is used to run models that are in the PyTorch format.
  4. CSSInferenceWorkflow: This workflow is used to run closed-source models: i.e. OpenAI's GPT-4, etc.
  5. TGIClientInferenceWorkflow: This workflow is used to run models that are hosted on a Huggingface's Text Generation Interface server.
  6. BarkHFInferenceWorkflow: This workflow is used to run Suno's Bark model.