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Module: ml_model_info


Bases: BaseModel


Name Type Description
id str

str - The unique ID of the model in format: {storage}/{owner}/{name}. Same format as RitualRepoId.to_unique_id()

quantization_type Optional[str]

Optional[str] - The quantization type used in the model

inference_engine Optional[MLType]

Optional[str] - The inference engine to be used for the model

inference_engine_hash Optional[str]

Optional[str] - The SHA-256 hash of the inference engine binary or source code

memory_requirements int

str - The estimated minimum required memory. E.g., '1.63GB'

max_position_embeddings Optional[int]

Optional[int] - The maximum number of tokens that can be processed in a single forward pass. Context length supported by the model

cuda_capability Optional[float]

Optional[condecimal] - The minimum required CUDA capability for the model

cuda_version Optional[float]

Optional[condecimal] - The minimum required CUDA version for the model

cpu_cores int

int - The minimum number of CPU cores required to run the model

Source code in src/infernet_ml/utils/specs/
class MlModelInfo(BaseModel):
    MlModelInfo: Specific information and resource requirements for a given model.

        id: str - The unique ID of the model in format: {storage}/{owner}/{name}.
         Same format as RitualRepoId.to_unique_id()
        quantization_type: Optional[str] - The quantization type used in the model
        inference_engine: Optional[str] - The inference engine to be used for the model
        inference_engine_hash: Optional[str] - The SHA-256 hash of the inference
         engine binary or source code
        memory_requirements: str - The estimated minimum required memory. E.g.,
        max_position_embeddings: Optional[int] - The maximum number of tokens that
         can be processed in a single forward pass. Context length supported by the model
        cuda_capability: Optional[condecimal] - The minimum required CUDA
         capability for the model
        cuda_version: Optional[condecimal] - The minimum required CUDA version
         for the model
        cpu_cores: int - The minimum number of CPU cores required
         to run the model

    # this field gets auto-set at upload time
    id: str = Field(default="", description="Unique ID of the model")

    cpu_cores: int = Field(
        description="Minimum # of CPU cores required to run the model (if applicable)",

    memory_requirements: int = Field(
        description="Estimated maximum required memory for the model, in bytes: "
        "e.g. 2^30 for 1GB",

    max_position_embeddings: Optional[int] = Field(
        description="Maximum number of tokens that can be processed in a single \
          forward pass. Context length supported by the model",

    quantization_type: Optional[str] = Field(
        default=None, description="Quantization type used in the model (if applicable)"

    inference_engine: Optional[MLType] = Field(
        description="Inference engine to be used for the model",

    inference_engine_hash: Optional[str] = Field(
        description="Hash of the inference engine binary or source code",

    cuda_capability: Optional[float] = Field(
        description="Minimum required CUDA capability for the model (if applicable)",
    cuda_version: Optional[float] = Field(
        description="Minimum required CUDA version for the model (if applicable)",

    def check_cuda_version(cls, value: Optional[float]) -> float | None:
        if value is not None:
            # Ensure the version is at least 12.1
            if value < 12.1:
                raise ValueError("cuda_version must be at least 12.1")
        return value

    def from_dict(cls, data: dict[str, Any]) -> "MlModelInfo":
        Create a MlModelInfo instance from a dictionary.

            data (dict): The dictionary containing the model information.

            MlModelInfo: The MlModelInfo instance.
        return cls(**data)

    def to_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        Convert the MlModelInfo instance to a dictionary.

            dict: The dictionary containing the model information.
        return dict(self)

    def calculate_hashes(cls, ritual_manifest: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, str]:
        Calculate the hash of the model using the Ritual manifest dictionary.

            ritual_manifest (dict): The dictionary containing the model information.
             expected to have "files" key containing a list of model file paths.

            dict[str]: The SHA-256 hash of the model file(s).

        files = ritual_manifest.get("files", [])
        hashes = {}

        for file_path in files:
            sha256 = hashlib.sha256()
                # Open and read the file in binary mode
                with open(file_path, "rb") as file:
                    # Read the file in chunks and update the hash
                    for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""):
                hashes[file_path] = sha256.hexdigest()
            except IOError as e:
                log.error(f"Error reading file: {file_path}")
                raise e

        return hashes

calculate_hashes(ritual_manifest) classmethod

Calculate the hash of the model using the Ritual manifest dictionary.


Name Type Description Default
ritual_manifest dict

The dictionary containing the model information. expected to have "files" key containing a list of model file paths.



Type Description
dict[str, str]

dict[str]: The SHA-256 hash of the model file(s).

Source code in src/infernet_ml/utils/specs/
def calculate_hashes(cls, ritual_manifest: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, str]:
    Calculate the hash of the model using the Ritual manifest dictionary.

        ritual_manifest (dict): The dictionary containing the model information.
         expected to have "files" key containing a list of model file paths.

        dict[str]: The SHA-256 hash of the model file(s).

    files = ritual_manifest.get("files", [])
    hashes = {}

    for file_path in files:
        sha256 = hashlib.sha256()
            # Open and read the file in binary mode
            with open(file_path, "rb") as file:
                # Read the file in chunks and update the hash
                for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""):
            hashes[file_path] = sha256.hexdigest()
        except IOError as e:
            log.error(f"Error reading file: {file_path}")
            raise e

    return hashes

from_dict(data) classmethod

Create a MlModelInfo instance from a dictionary.


Name Type Description Default
data dict

The dictionary containing the model information.



Name Type Description
MlModelInfo MlModelInfo

The MlModelInfo instance.

Source code in src/infernet_ml/utils/specs/
def from_dict(cls, data: dict[str, Any]) -> "MlModelInfo":
    Create a MlModelInfo instance from a dictionary.

        data (dict): The dictionary containing the model information.

        MlModelInfo: The MlModelInfo instance.
    return cls(**data)


Convert the MlModelInfo instance to a dictionary.


Name Type Description
dict dict[str, Any]

The dictionary containing the model information.

Source code in src/infernet_ml/utils/specs/
def to_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
    Convert the MlModelInfo instance to a dictionary.

        dict: The dictionary containing the model information.
    return dict(self)